Author: admin

  • Hari Raya Biscuit Distribution

    From March 31 to April 1, we have given all of our Malay students including our former students with Raya Biscuits and Kurma. We wish all of our Muslim friends Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!

  • Youth Camp 2024 – Open for Registration *Registration Extended*

    博营精神在于培育一群关爱国家与社会,对周遭所发生的一切有所醒觉并会去深入思考、敢于批判及提出有建设性的意见, 最终达到身体力行的青年。主题为 “爱思辨行”,释义如下:🙌 爱,乃以关怀之名,温暖青少年的心灵;人与人之间创造美好奇迹。❤ 思,乃教导青少年培养独立思考,找出问题,并提出解决方案。💭 辨,乃培养青少年的批判精神,作为信念和行动的指南。🗣 行,乃栽培青少年身体力行,持续前进,实现目标。💪🏻 举办第23届青年生活营《博大精深》的目的,则是为了帮助亲少年塑造一个独立思想空间,教会他们如何与同伴进行友善交流。其次,是为了激发青少年关爱社会的心,并体现于生活中。接着,本营会也会间接培养并提升青少年的理性思考及批判精神,教导他们如何促进人与人之间的联系,学会与外界交流。 此次的生活营资讯如下: 日期📆:31/05/2024(星期五)至 02/06/2024(星期日)场地📍:雪兰莪沙戥新村国民型华文小学(一校)年龄🧸:13至25岁的学生报名表格📲: 报名费: RM50【请转账至以下银行账户:】账户名称: Persatuan Kebajikan Sosial dan Pendidikan Progresif / Persatuan Pendidikan Mimosa账户号码: 3191828824 (Public Bank) 联系方式:0132898268 Kevin (Whatsapp) 风声雨声读书声,声声入耳;家事国事天下事,事事关心。 给予含苞的孩子们一个自信绽放的机会吧!

  • Technology Assisted Learning Experience (TALE) Trial-Run

    On March 20, our teacher Mr. Ho has trialed run new teaching approach named Technology Assisted Learning Experience (TALE) in teaching session. The TALE was Mimosa new approach in keeping up with student’s latest behavior by allowing student to make use of their mobile phones and use it during teaching session. This reduces times student…

  • 舞蹈节 with Selangor & KL Hokkien Association

    From March 1 to March 3, we have collaborated again with Selangor & KL Hokkien Association in taking part as committee members of national scaled event named 舞蹈节 at SJK (C) Lai Meng We had learn a lot from this event. To prevent food wastage, we also brought back any leftover food from the event…

  • Chinese New Year Handcraft Workshop

    On January 19, our teacher Kevin had launched a Chinese New Year Handcraft workshop with our students. Our students managed to craft beautiful handcrafts for Chinese New Year and they had fun throughout this workshop.

  • Community Day with Bakti Siswa UPM and JMB Flat Ikan

    We would like to thanks JMB Flat Ikan in inviting us over the Community Day and collaborated together with Bakti Siswa group from UPM. Together with the students from UPM and local residents, we had done “Gotong-royong” event around the community and managed to restore the cleanliness. More over, our students and local residents are…

  • Celebrate Christmas together with students and Teacher Chan’s farewell annoucement

    In December 26, we had invited all of our students over and given them a mysterious Christmas gift sponsored by our teacher, Siew Yean’s friend. Many of our previous students were also return to celebrate Christmas together and we get to know their status from the conversation. At the same time, we would like to…

  • Lunch Event at Chong Hwa Independent High School

    In December 12, we had received warm invitation from our founder to participate in a lunch event at Chong Hwa Independent High School. The food served at the lunch event were delicious and our students are enjoying their time inwatchingthe performance by the students throughout the event.

  • Convocation Surprise

    To celebrate our teacher (Mr. Ho) on graduation, we have prepared a special surprise gift and together with students celebrated Mr. Ho’s graduation.

  • Centre Renovation

    Throughout October and November, we had fully renovated our tuition center with new furniture, new painting and new restructuring to fully optimize the space usage and provide our students with a more comfortable and conducive environment for study. Special shout out to Perlis Plantation Berhad (PPB) for sponsoring the new furniture and our fellow students…