Persatuan Kebajikan Sosial dan Pendidikan Progresif (PROGRESIF)

Persatuan Kebajikan Sosial dan Pendidikan Progresif (PROGRESIF) is a people-oriented organisation dedicated to working with children, youth and families to live life to the fullest. We work to promote humanity and human rights, empower the people and working towards a free, equal and humanity society. We serve all people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity and gender.


Our Core Values

  1. Value of people

We believe that all human beings are born free and equal with value, potential and dignity.

  1. We serve all

We serve the people in need regardless religion, race, ethnicity and gender.

  1. Empowerment

We work to empower the children, youth and parents with people’s social and emotional skills and other useful knowledge for making informed decisions about their lives.



  • To create a free, equal, peaceful, love and humanity society.



  • To promote love, humanity and human rights.
  • To empower the children, youth and parents.



  • Conducting a variety of programmes to build-up the children’s confidence and self-esteem,  explore their interests and broaden their minds.
  • Providing stimulating learning experiences for the children and youth through informal and unconventional methods.
  • Providing vocational education and training courses for the students and youth in need.


Methodology (Counseling and Progressive Education) – to improve selfesteem of the students

  • Look at each child as a unique person
  • Keep expectations realistic
  • Give the freedom to make mistakes
  • Build in success
  • Give encouragement
  • Accept children’s unpleasant feelings and teach them how to deal with them
  • Give choices
  • Give responsibility and expect cooperation
  • Keep your sense of humour





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